Zucchini Wonders

Well….per norm, Sfecla & Spice disappeared for a bit. But, we have re-emerged from the depths of Moldovan chaos and, of course, expecting love and acceptance from you all.  On a serious note, forgive us because we are busy volunteers trying to fulfill the lives of everyone one while tending to our own personal needs…..like, remembering what day of the week it is because time moves way too fast these days.

**We actually have 2 months until we close our service in Moldova!!**

Now, lets take a journey back  in time, like…waayy back…as in last fall. It was during that time when I shared a post about purchasing ENTIRELY too many  kilos of zucchini at the local piața. What can I say? Sometimes, I’m attracted to shiny things just like a monkey– other times, my foodie mentality takes over. (Which clearly happened on this day).  That delectable  green zucchini just twinkled in my eyes.

I was feeling guilty about not exercising  that morning, but Due to my over excitement of green veggies, I conveniently worked in my strength training by carrying  a couple kilos of these green goddesses up 3 flights of stairs. Ironically, I think the local produce lady was proud that I finally stepped-up and bought more than 1/2 a kilo of a vegetables in a single visit. [The underlying fact is that I return 2 days later for the same thing, so…. why not buy it all at once?] <—- I know this what’s running through her mind.

So, here are some tastycreations for the “oops I bought too much dovlecei in the piața”

1 kilo = $0.47 USD

1 kilo = $0.47 USD

ZUCCHINI SOUP!! This looks like baby food from a jar. However, the taste is much more succulent! As much as we would love to share the recipe, we forgot. Shocker. We would blame the time lapse but is probably something along the lines of “Oh let’s Google ‘what to cook with kilos of zucchini’ and this is one of the things we discovered, threw together, and totally disregarded the recipe. To be fair, all recipes with zucchini soup are the same we added very little sour cream, only for texture, and it was amazing. So, old wise one “Master Google” will help you along for this one. Throw in some spice, or seasonings…. for PCVs– we did sautee the zucchini down to a soft texture and then you can mash it together in a gentle fashion.  Nothing is exact. Best of luck. It will taste great.

Zucchini Soup

Zucchini Soup

ZUCCHINI CASSEROLE!! This dish is freaking amazing. Plus, you can make it more low calorie than a normal casserole dish! Per norm, I sort of glanced at about a dozen casserole recipes, then ignored the instructions and then did my own magic. To lower the calories, I did substitute sour cream for the mayo and added a little less cheese than one would expect from a traditional casserole.

Delicious Zucchini Casserole


mouth watering goodness

mouth watering goodness- the picture does this creation no justice


Once again, we’ve been distracted and our meals have not been all that impressive……Okay, that’s a lie. We never slack when it comes to treating ourselves to a good meal. Forgive us, and we’ll have some of our made-up recipes that have helped us to survive these two years in Moldova posted soon!


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