For the Health of It

The food you eat can be the safest & most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison”

— Anne Wigmore

I reference this quote for a few reasons:

1. I have a special fondness for Ms. Wigmore because I believe she is correct. According to trusty Wikipedia it states that she is known as “the mother of living foods”, she was an early pioneer in the use of wheatgrass juice and living foods for detoxifying and healing the body, mind, and spirit.

2. She is from Lithuania & my last name’s Lithuianan (unless someone lied to me, but I’ll continue thinking that it is). So, this automatically gives her cool points.

3. After enduring winter in Eastern Europe followed by lots of masa’s (parties with LOTS of food) & holiday celebrations, I could feel my body starting to scream for mercy.

Finaalllyyy summer has arrived & we’ve jumped on the “treat-your-body-well-and-be-healthy” bandwagon. The change of seasons is accompanied by many more desirable options at the local piața for a much more reasonable price. This makes us smile because there are now GREEN VEGGIES in our diet and we can save a little more of that Moldovan Lei.

MDL- local currency

MDL- local currency

Now, that we are making an effort to not consume bread, potatoes, and candy bars- one of our favorite healthy substitues to prepare is what we call a ‘Green Smoothie’. Basically, we pull every green veggie from our refrigerator and blend it together. To be honest, these bad boys do not look appealing at all, but they’re super healthy. Plus, you can mix up the ingredients for variety by adding cayenne pepper or cinnamon.

Now, we understand that making such ‘Green Smoothies’ is not a new phenomenon and not every PCV is fortunate enough to have a blender. However, maybe we can motivate you to jump on the health kick as well and leave the poisoning of our bodies for weekend extravaganzas.


♦Spinach     ♦Carrots    ♦Lettuce     ♦Cucumbers    ♦Cabbage    ♦Apples    ♦Lemon Juice

The components of our "Green Veggie Smoothie"

The components of our “Green Veggie Smoothie”

Final product of healthiness!

veggie smoothie

Granted it does not look remotely appealing. But I promise it tastes much better than it appears


Now, go eat a salad and save the pizza for another day! Your body will appreciate it and maintaining a healthy diet makes looking at yourself in the mirror much more enjoyable.
